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Cece Winans - Come fill my heart

Cece Winans - Come fill my heart
Here is another praise and worship song by the powerfully anointed woman of God, CeCe Winans. This song is from the award winning and hit album "Throne Room". In this song she just ask that the Lord simply just fills her up. This should be our prayer. Whenever we feel a void in our life, we shouldnt look into other things. All we need is for God to come and fill us. We dont have to live for noone else but God, for He knows and He cares, but most of all He is God alone. Be blessed and be encouraged!!!!!!!!!!! Catégorie : Musique
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1 commentaire
  • parade Il y a 14 années, 4 mois

    Je dis Gloire à Dieu pour ses Voix qui s"harmonisent bien ...Alleluia pour ta voix Cece ! Tout est parfait ...I Like ...a song..because inspired of God! Famous!
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