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True Worshippers - Yesus

True Worshippers - Yesus
CHORUS: Yesus, Kaulah sahabatku (Jesus, you're my friend) Yesus, Kau yang akan s'lalu berada di sisiku (Jesus, you're the one who's always by my side) Kau sumber kuatku (You're my source of strength) Yesus, Kaulah sahabatku (Jesus, you're my best friend) Yesus, Kau yang tak pernah jemu-jemu di sisiku (Jesus, you never fail to be by my side) Kau sumber kuatku (You're my source of strength) Kerana kuasa-Mu, kerana kehebatan-Mu (because of your power, because of your greatness) Kudapat lakukan perkara besar yang Engkau janjikan (i can do the great things that you promised) a friend translated this for me... All things new - Yesus Hidup yang kupilih, membuatku berarti (The life that I chose made me significant) Kerana Yesus Tuhan, tempat kupercaya dan berharap (because in Jesus Christ i place my trust and hope) Kubuka mataku, lihat sekelilingku (i open my eyes, look at my surroundings) Kuharus nyatakan kebenaran-Nya yang membebaskan (i've got to exclaim that it's his truth that vindicates)
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